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Share、Rules“Hai Phong Imprint” International sculpture Creative Camp * Ideology content requirement Each sculptural product shall have different requirements, which are used for orientation for creation process so as to convey its unique message. Sculptural product aims at disseminating and educating patriotism, national pride and would be cultural heritage for future generations, thus requiring caution, details and rigour. Strictly prohibit behaviours that are regulated at Article 8 – Decree No 113/2013/NĐ-CP on 02/10/2013 by the Government on artistic activities: + Propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; undermining the national solidarity. + Propagandising and triggering invasion wars, creating hatred amongst nations and peoples, triggering violence; disseminating insurgency thoughts, promiscuous lifestyles, criminal behaviours, social evils, sabotaging the benevolent traditions and destroying the environment. + Distorting historical truths; denying revolutionary achievements; insulting the nation, national heroes, cultural celebrities; insulting the credibility of organisations, honour and dignity of individuals. + Copying, displaying, buying, selling, transferring artistic products that are in violation of regulations on intellectual ownership. Selecting sculptural products with impressions of typical cultural, historical, artistic and unique values of Hai Phong to be located in parks in the city, helping to extol quintessential figures and the history and culture of the city, educating the tradition of “Drinking the water, Remembering the foutainhead”, facilitating the pride of the city’s people. Sculptural products must be suited with the noted people’s statues located in chosen flowers gardens, parks and harmonious with the common space and scenery. Sculptural products exhibit cultural identities, impression of the land and the people of Hai Phong, messages for the future, peace, friendship, integration and sustainable development. II/ Scale and formality 1. Creative Camp Host: The Department of Culture and Sports of Hai Phong city 2. Scale and formality Creative Camp is organised in semi – concentrated form. The sculptors carry out real-time research, survey in flower gardens, parks, tentative locations of sculptural products or receive clips, briefings, images from various parties and related documents regarding the tentative locations of sculptural products. Authors shall make drafts on paper and sketches in corners or 3D, clips, photos or other formatted files and submit to the Organising Team in 40 days since the Organising Team announces Rules and launches the Creative Camp. The Art Council shall select 100 sketches that meet the criteria in accordance with the rules and notify the authors of the selected products. The Organising Team notifies the authors of 100 selected sketches by mails. The authors have 20 days to produce modal forms of the sketches with materials such as gypsum and composite, etc. of height and length being between 30 cm to 50 cm since the Organising Team’s announcement. The authors can send sketched models or 03 photos of sketched models in facets and send them to the Organising Team. The Art Council selects 50 sketched models that meet the criteria, reports to the Organising Team. The Organising Team reports to the city People’s Committee regarding the results. Transportation of materials: to be carried out after the approval of the Proposal by the city People’s Committee. 1. Time、From April 2023: Notification of Rules. Laucnhing and contacting domestic and international sculptors concerning the participation in the Creative Camp; having the sculptors have field trips in tentative locations of sculptural products. Time to prepare sketches and send to the Organizing Committee within 40 days from the date of Rules announcement by the Organizing Committee, launching the Creative Camp. Entries sent by post will be counted according to the postmark, but not exceeding 42 days from the date the Organizing Committee announces the Rules and launched the Creative Camp. Announcement of sketch selection results: It is expected that after 07 days from the the deadline for submitting sketches, the Organizing Committee will select and at the same time notify the results in mails to the selected authors of 100 sketches. The authors of 100 selected sketches have 20 days to make models of sketches made of gypsum, composite, etc. with height and length from 30cm to 50cm ) and send the model or photo of facets of the model to the Organizing Committee. Works sent by post will be counted according to the postmark but no later than 22 days from the date the Organizing Committee announces the results of sketch selection. After 07 days since the date of submission of the model works, the Art Council judges, selects 50 models of works, and reports the results to the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee shall report to the City People's Committee regarding the results of the selection. The whole completion deadlien is in June 2023. After the selection results are available, the Organising Committee invites the authors of 50 selected models to participate in the transfer of sculptures . The Organising Committee will support travel and accommodation expenses; tools, materials and remuneration for finishing works at the Creative Camp. Organizations and individuals can contact the standing body of the Competition Organizing Committee at the following address: Hai Phong City Department of Culture and Sports; Address: No. 18 Minh Khai, Minh Khai ward, Hong Bang district, Hai Phong city; Phone: 0225.3842662/0982.070.769/0948,721.869; Email: nghiepvuvanhoahp@gmail.com. 2. Location and specific themes * Location of works: at 12 flower gardens and parks in Hai Phong city with 05 clusters of topics: - To Huu flower garden: Including clusters of topics: Historical imprints, border protection, sea and islands of the country. The imprints of memory of land and people of Hai Phong in the flow of life. Imprints on the culture and cultural heritage of Hai Phong people. The imprints of 3 strategic breakthroughs for Hai Phong to take the lead in the cause of industrialization and modernization. Imprints on the message for the future young generation, peace, friendship, integration and sustainable development and the content of revolutionary poetic works of poet To Huu. - Kim Dong flower garden: Including the theme cluster: Historical imprints, protecting the country's borders and islands. The imprints of memory of land and people of Hai Phong in the flow of life. Imprints on the message for the future young generation, peace, friendship, integration and sustainable development and the theme on youth - children. - Nguyen Du flower garden: Including the theme cluster: Imprints on culture and cultural heritage of Hai Phong people. The imprints of 3 strategic breakthroughs for Hai Phong to take the lead in the cause of industrialization and modernization and sculptural works illustrating the content and characters of the works of the great poet Nguyen Du. - Nguyen Binh Khiem flower garden: Including a cluster of topics: Historical imprints, protecting the country's borders, sea and islands. The imprints of memory of land and people of Hai Phong in the flow of life. Imprints on the culture and cultural heritage of Hai Phong people. - Nguyen Van Troi flower garden: Including clusters of topics: Historical imprints, border protection, sea and islands of the country. The imprints of memory of land and people of Hai Phong in the flow of life. Imprints on the message for the future young generation, peace, friendship, integration and sustainable development and the theme of youth - union members. - Tam Ky flower garden: Including a cluster of topics: Historical imprints, protecting the country's borders and islands. The imprints of memory of land and people of Hai Phong in the flow of life. Imprints on the cultural heritage of Hai Phong people and traditional cultural themes, symbols of craft villages. - Nguyen Trai flower garden: Consists of a cluster of topics: Imprints of memories of the land and Hai Phong people in the flow of life. The imprints of 3 strategic breakthroughs for Hai Phong to take the lead in the cause of industrialization and modernization. Imprints on the message for the future, the young generation, peace, friendship, integration and sustainable development. - Flower Garden of Viet Tiep Cultural Palace of Friendship Labor: Theme cluster Imprints on messages for the future, the young generation, peace, friendship, integration and sustainable development. - Green Park 53 Lach Tray Street: Cluster of themes of historical imprints, border protection, national sea and islands and youth - children's themes. - Nam Cau Binh Greenery Park: Theme cluster: Imprints of 3 strategic breakthroughs for Hai Phong to take the lead in the cause of industrialization and modernization. Imprint on the message for the future young generation, peace, friendship, integration and sustainable development. - The area at the foot of Hoang Van Thu bridge adjacent to Mom Thuy Doi: Including thematic clusters: Historical imprints, border protection, the country's sea and islands. Imprinting memory of land and Hai Phong people in the flow of life. Imprints on the culture and cultural heritage of Hai Phong people. The imprints of 3 strategic breakthroughs for Hai Phong to take the lead in the cause of industrialization and modernization. Imprint on the message for the future young generation, peace, friendship, integration and sustainable development. Each group of authors and individuals can participate in many works on different topic clusters. IV/ Objects and profiles 1. Objects: Domestic and international group of authors, authors who have experience in the field of sculpture and have suitable health and time, except for members of the Organizing Committee, the Art Council on marking sketched models, the Art Council's Secretariat and the Organizing Team’s Assisting Group. Priority is given to individuals whose sculptural works have been constructed with high quality. - Authors are invited to participate in the Creative Camp after the author's sketched model is selected by the Art Council and approved by the authorized body. - Registration form to attend . - Joint venture agreement in case it is a group of authors registering to participate . - A briefing of the activities and achievements of the author and group of authors . In which, clearly state the contests attended and the awards achieved in the field of fine arts and sculpture . + The authors will make sketches on paper, drawings at angles or in 3D, clips, photos or other formatted image files with the contest code and send them to the Organizing Committee. The Arts Council will select 100 sketches that fundamentally meet the prescribed criteria. + Explanation of the artistic idea of the work on display. + 01 perspective drawing showing the content and design ideas for the space where the work is placed. + 01 envelope with full name and address of residence or work. .、3. Address of receiving dossiers Center for Information, Exhibition and Cinema Address: No. 1 Nguyen Duc Canh, An Bien ward, Le Chan district, Phone: 02253.838.895/0912234217 V/ ASSESSMENT OF DOCUMENTS AND RESULTS NOTICE The Arts Council works on the principle of democratic centralism, deciding by the majority by direct and independent selection. The Arts Council is responsible for the results of the evaluation of participating dossiers. All members of the Art Council read, study participating records, exchange and debate on the content of works in meetings convened by the Chairman of the Council. The secretariat helps the Art Council during the selection process, is responsible for summarizing the results of the evaluation forms, making minutes, and completing the records, documents, and reports during the time the Creative Camp takes place. 1. Marking to select the sketched models * Round 1. Marking to select the sketches - The author submits sketches and explanations of artistic ideas representing the work, clearly stating: Contents, core ideas about shapes, thinking and aesthetic impressions of the sculptural work to the Organizing Committee according to regulations dictated in the Rules of the Creative Camp. - The Art Council selects sketched models. The members of the Art Council shall make a direct, independent, and publicly held selection to evaluate and rank the sketch with at least 2/3 of the members of the Art Council attending. Decisions of the Arts Council are valid when more than half of the total members agree. - The Secretariat of the Arts Council summarizes the results of the evaluation sheets and produces minutes. Participating works are ranked according to the total number of votes from high to low. - The Arts Council reports the grading results, and selects about 100 sketches for the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee meets, works and agrees with the Art Council on the results of the selection of sketches of sculptural works of the artists participating in the first round. * Round 2. Selection of sketched models - The Organizing Committee sends a Notice to the authors whose sketches were selected in round 1 to create sketched models. - The author submits the model to participate in the second round according to the Notice and Rules of the Creative Camp. - The Art Council selectsthe sketched model. The members of the Art Council make a direct, independent, and publicly held selection to evaluate and rank the sketched model with at least 2/3 of the members in the Art Council attending. Decisions of the Arts Council are valid when more than half of the total members are unanimous. - The Secretariat of the Arts Council summarizes the results of the evaluation sheets and produces minutes. The participating sketched model is ranked by the total number of votes from high to low. - The Arts Council reports on the grading results, and selects about 50 sketched models for the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee meets, has working session and agrees with the Art Council on the results of grading and selecting the sketched models of the artists participating in the second round, reporting to the City People's Committee for consideration and decision. - The Organizing Committee publicly announces the results of the rounds after the report on the selection results of the Art Council and the approval of the relevant authorities. - Funding will be given directly to the author, group of authors whose works are selected or authorized by the author or co-author of the selected work. The 50 selected models will be reported to the City People's Committee by the Organizing Committee of the Creative Camp and submitted to the Standing Committee of the City’s Party Committee for official implementation. 3. Criteria for evaluation of records * Preliminary assessment criteria: Evaluation、1、Meeting the Application Form + In compliance with the form in the invitation to participate, signed by a relevant person or an authorized person as dictated by law. Pass、+ Incorrect form or signer not conforming to the rules. + Conforming to the participating form invitation. Pass、+ Incorrect form or signer not conforming to the rules. Fail、2、Meet the basic requirements of the application Participant profile must have all the contents and specifications as required by the application . Pass、Missing one of the above contents or incorrect specifications. Fail、3、Satisfy basic requirements on themes, ideological and artistic content The work is suitable with the theme and ideological content. Pass、The work does not match the topic, causing revulsion. Fail、Evaluation method: If one of the criteria is assessed as "fail", the application will be rejected and will not be included in the selection round. * Detailed evaluation criteria: The Arts Council is responsible for developing its own detailed evaluation criteria, suitable to the nature and tasks of the work undertaken. 5. Regulations on form of confidentiality of records - Participating files and works are packed in sealed boxes, envelopes, with only the code of the participating plan on the outside. - Entire dossiers and participating works do not include the names of the participating authors and groups of authors. Participating organizations and individuals mark code by themselves uppercase letters and 03 digits). Drawings, descriptions and sketches of works as well as models are all uniformly marked with symbols at the back or hidden corners. - The name of the author, the group of participating authors and the code according to the convention are recorded in the sealed envelope accompanying the dossier. When Art Council selects the sketch for the second round are the envelopes opened to identify the author, the group of authors whose work is selected. 6. Regulations on responsibilities and rights of the author - Organizations and individuals participating in the Creative Camp must have full civil capacity as dictated by law, professional capacity, and health conditions as prescribed in the Rules of the Creative Camp. - Provide personal documents, art biography, sketches, sketches notes according to the Rules to the Organizing Committee. - Each organization or individual can register more than one work and topic. - The Organizing Committee will provide a budget of 10,000,000 VND for 01 model of a work that meets the requirements selected by the Art Council in the 2nd round. - Authors of 50 work models selected to participate in material transfer of sculptural works must ensure all conditions for occupational health and safety during the transfer of materials and punctuality. The Organizing Committee will support travel and accommodation expenses; tools, materials and remuneration for finishing works at the Creative Camp. - Do not use the sketch sample selected at this Creative Camp to participate in any other contest, Creative Camp. - Participating authors must be responsible for paying all costs and taxes related to the support funding as prescribed by law. - All works submitted to the Creative Camp, the Organizing Committee are not to be returned to the author. - The Organizing Committee and the Art Council have the right to request the author to amend and supplement some details to suit the requirements and characteristics when transferring official materials. - Comply with the Rules of the Creative Camp. VI/ Copyright and intellectual property of selected works 1. Regulation on results, legality and copyright - The Organizing Committee decides to select about 50 models of works selected by the Arts Council to implement at the Creative Camp in the next steps. - The groups of authors and authors participating in the event must have full civil capacity as prescribed by law. - Authors and groups of authors are responsible for the copyright of their works in accordance with the law. If any copyright infringement is detected after the works have been selected, the Organizer will nullify the results and withdraw the support funds for that work; at the same time, not holding any liabilities when there is a copyright dispute of the work. - Authors, groups of authors with selected sketches and models are guaranteed of copyright; Investor himself/herself chooses the contractor to produce the work; work ownership right belongs to Hai Phong city but the copyright still belongs to the organization or individual with the selected plan or work. 2. Duties and remit of the author of selected sketched model - Responsible for the art quality of the work from the creation of sketches to the steps of expression and completion. - Supervising or introducing qualified organizations and individuals to supervise the execution of the art work; - Capable of direction of art works; To be enrolled in the project and have other material and mental benefits according to the provisions of the law on intellectual property and this Rules. - Invitation letter - Registration form - Brief introduction - Partnership agreement EDITORI/ Requirement
* Artistic requirements
III/ Time and location
2. Participating profile
- Sample sketch of the works:
Hai Phong city
2. Announcement of results
TT、Information to be checked
- For the group of authors:
Fail、- For individuals:
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