Update at : 14:56, 16/8/2017 View: 4

Technology transfer of quality control of chickenpox vaccine from Green Cross Corporation, Republic of Korea to National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals (NICVB)

Green Cross is a Korean pharma specializing in development and commercialization of vaccines, plasma products, recombinant proteins and therapeutic antibodies. Green Cross vaccine production has a long history: Hepatitis B vaccine was manufactured in 1983, vaccine Hantavax protecting against Hantaan hemorrhagic fever was manufactured in 1988 and Varicella Vaccine – GCC inj which is a freeze-dried attenuated vaccine protecting against chickenpox was manufactured in 1995.

With the aim of strengthening the capacity of accessing laboratory for technical staff and promoting the international cooperation between NICVB and Green Cross Corp., in June 2017, NICVB’s assigned 2 experienced technicians from Quality Control of Viral Vaccine Department: MSc. Le Thi Hai Yen and BSc. Luu Thi Dung to visit Green Cross Corp., Korea and receive technology transfer for identification of chickenpox vaccine by immunofluorescence and 2 other methods for potency testing including overlaid agarose and plaque-forming unit (PFU).

During the business trip, 2 technicians from NICVB had occasion to work with Green Cross’s experts on some issues related to procedures of manufacturing and quality control of Varicella Vaccine – GCC inj. After discussing the actual situation of quality control of this vaccine at both NICVB and Green Cross, they harmonized the methods and procedure of quality control together. Then NICVB technicians visited the factory and performed testing at Green Cross’s laboratories to directly evaluate the vaccine.

The business trip finished successfully as NICVB satisfactorily received the potency and identification test results of Varicella Vaccine – GCC inj which protects against chickenpox. In the future, acquired technical methods will applied at NICVB to control the quality of the vaccine when it’s imported into Vietnam.

(BSc. Luu Thi Dung – Quality Control of Viral Vaccine Department)


Giấy phép số 47/GP-TTĐT, ngày 20 tháng 01 năm 2017 do Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông cấp

Trụ sở: Phường Đại Kim - Quận Hoàng Mai - TP. Hà Nội

Contact: Tel: 84-4-38553148 / Fax: 84-4-38554816/ Email: contact@nicvb.org.vn

TRUNG TÂM VẮC XIN: Hotline: 1900 636 282