Update at : 11:28, 21/11/2016 View: 4

The annual Workshop “Harmonizing technical method in quality control of EPI vaccines between NICVB and domestic manufacturers” was successfully held

On November 1st 2016, got sponsored by World Health Organization (WHO), National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals (NICVB) in collaboration with domestic vaccine manufacturers held the annual Workshop on “Harmonizing technical method in quality control of EPI vaccines (Expanded Programme on Immunization) between NICVB and domestic manufacturers” at Muong Thanh hotel, Dai Kim ward, Hoang Mai district, Hanoi.

Photo: Workshop’s backdrop

The annual harmonization of technical methods and standards in quality control of vaccines and biologicals between NICVB and domestic manufacturers with the aim to strengthen the capacity of quality control plays an important role as Vietnam’s healthcare system has taken part in the global system of strengthening the National Regulatory Authorities (NRA) for vaccine’s quality and safety management. NICVB’s specific goal is to ensure the quality of vaccines and biologicals before their market process.

The Workshop was held with the participation of nearly 90 delegates representing the departments under Ministry of Health; World Health Organization (WHO); National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals (NICVB); 3 domestic vaccine manufacturers including the Company for Vaccine and Biological Production No.1 (VABIOTECH), Center for Research and Production of vaccines and Biologicals (POLYVAC), Institute of Vaccines and Medical Biologicals (IVAC) and some foreign vaccine manufacturers such as Sanofi Pasteur, Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD)… with the consultation of leading professors in vaccine quality control field.

Purposes of Workshop:

- Firstly, to point out the shortcomings or difficulties related to technical methods in quality control of each kind of EPI vaccine;

- Secondly, to consider and correct control methods and vaccine standards between NICVB and domestic vaccine manufacturers;

- Thirdly, to compose an official memorandum of understanding on harmonized technical methods and standards in quality control of vaccines and biologicals between NICVB and domestic manufacturers;

- Finally, to keep co-operating in managing and building up the national preventive vaccines for human regarding to the Project Management Framework on developing national products of preventive vaccines for human.

The Workshop’s reports were mainly focused on the current shortcomings of vaccine quality control methods and standards in Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI). While following closely the practical situations and basic requirements of quality control conducting in reality, NICVB’s and manufacturers’ delegates had an opportunity to listen to some reports on the updated techniques in quality control of vaccines and biologicals in order to create the positive changes towards control field as well as to grasp modern technology of producing vaccines and national reference standards of Vietnam’s vaccine quality control system.


Giấy phép số 47/GP-TTĐT, ngày 20 tháng 01 năm 2017 do Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông cấp

Trụ sở: Phường Đại Kim - Quận Hoàng Mai - TP. Hà Nội

Contact: Tel: 84-4-38553148 / Fax: 84-4-38554816/ Email: contact@nicvb.org.vn

TRUNG TÂM VẮC XIN: Hotline: 1900 636 282