Update at : 9:6, 16/8/2017 View: 4

The training course on quality control techniques of Immuno HBs IU/mL at the factory Kendrion Biopharma Italy

As part of the cooperation plan between National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals (NICVB) and domestic/foreign manufacturers, from June 24th to 30th 2017

As part of the cooperation plan between National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals (NICVB) and domestic/foreign manufacturers, from June 24th to 30th 2017, the delegation of 2 officials from Quality Control of Biologicals Department - NICVB visited the factory Kendrion Biopharma Italy with the aim of studying and exchanging the quality control techniques of Immuno HBs 180IU/mL.

At present, Kedrion Biopharma Italy is the biggest factory which produces biological in Italy. Having founded in 2001, it’s one of the factories belong to Kendrion Biopharma’s system located in various countries in the world. Kendrion Biopharma is an international corporation in charge of collecting and segmenting plasma to produce and distribute therapeutic products which originated from human plasma used for treatment of severe metabolic disorders such as hemophilia or immune deficiency.

Kendrion Biopharma Italy has a close and modern assembly line system which manufactures and seals a large number of biological vials. While facilities and modern machines are fully equipped, Kendrion’s staff are qualified and well trained. Through the visit, NICVB’s technicians had a valuable opportunity to exchange the experience in quality control of Immuno HBs 180 IU/mL whose indication is to treat Hepatitis B. Under the careful guide of Kendrion’s experts, they performed successfully 2 tests: identification of protein and potency. By grasping the techniques learned from the session, NICVB will select the most appropriate ones to apply at our Institute in the next stage.

Tran Thi Trang Huyen – Quality Control of Biologicals Department, NICVB


Giấy phép số 47/GP-TTĐT, ngày 20 tháng 01 năm 2017 do Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông cấp

Trụ sở: Phường Đại Kim - Quận Hoàng Mai - TP. Hà Nội

Contact: Tel: 84-4-38553148 / Fax: 84-4-38554816/ Email: contact@nicvb.org.vn

TRUNG TÂM VẮC XIN: Hotline: 1900 636 282